Connected and autonomous vehicle technologies have the potential to widely impact mobility and the interaction between travelers and the transportation network. As we determine the future of moving goods and people post-pandemic, an understanding of these technologies is critical. Join the US Department of Energy’s Clean Cities programs representing the Triangle (Triangle Clean Cities Coalition) and greater Charlotte (Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition) regions of NC along with the Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster for an engaging webinar featuring national thought leaders from the public and private sectors. Speakers will touch on how individual travelers and our transportation landscape could potentially be impacted by emerging technologies, how communities and businesses are adapting, and what relevance an energy lens can bring to these discussions now and in a post-pandemic world. Participants will hear from experts about:
The Department of Energy’s Energy Efficient Mobility Systems initiative and related federal priorities
Ongoing research focusing on a dynamic and holistic understanding of individual traveler behavior and decision-making within a rapidly evolving transportation environment
Current applications of connected and autonomous technologies applicable to local communities in North Carolina and beyon
Event Partners
RTCC Webinar - Autonomous Vehicles: C...
Date and Time
Friday Jun 26, 2020
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Friday, June 26
11:30 AM - 1 PM
Free - Registration required
Research Triangle
Cleantech Cluster
PO Box 33615
Raleigh, NC 27636
(919) 334-4076